RPG Speaks


RPG Life Sciences

How did it feel to win the award?

I am extremely happy to see that sincere work is appreciated.

What is your biggest motivation/ inspiration?

Being able to contribute to the growth journey of the organisation.

What is your ‘Hello Happiness’ moment at RPG?

When my family was invited and honoured by the management at the Head Office for the award.

Supriyo Paul
Supriyo Paul

Harrisons Malayalam

How did it feel to win the award?

It was a wonderful feeling. This is a very special moment and a memorable day in my life. I am grateful to the jury for bestowing me with such an honour and this award. I am overwhelmed to be rewarded for my hard work. I am grateful to everyone who has been a part of my journey, from my family to my friends, from my boss to my team and colleagues.

What drives you to give your best?

The support and encouragement I receive from my peers and the management are immense and inspire me to keep pushing forward.

What is your ‘Hello Happiness’ mantra?

Valued + Connected + Unleash talent = Outperform.

S. Kavitha


How did it feel to win the award?

Winning the RPG Top Gear Award feels incredibly gratifying and validates the hard work and dedication I have put into my role as DPM Execution at Chennai Metro Rail ECV02 project.

What inspires you?

My biggest motivation and inspiration stem from the opportunity to positively impact infrastructure projects, contributing to community growth and development.

What is your ‘Hello Happiness’ moment at RPG?

Completing the piling activity ahead of schedule, even before other contractors in Phase II of the CMRL project, was truly a moment of “Hello Happiness”. It demonstrated our team’s efficiency, coordination, and unwavering dedication to excellence in project execution.

Shyama Bandhopadhyay
Shyama Bandhopadhyay


How did it feel to win the award?

It was a unique feeling that’s hard to express in just a few words. My family is proud of where I work and the supportive culture we enjoy.

What is your biggest motivation/ inspiration?

My biggest motivation stems from the sense of being part of one big family rather than just an organisation. This dynamic keeps me on my toes, constantly inspiring me to strive for excellence and excel in everything I do.

What is your ‘Hello Happiness’ moment at RPG?

Inviting my family to the RPG Happiness day, introducing them one-on-one to senior leaders, and being appreciated in front of my spouse while receiving the award.

Priya Singh
Priya Singh


How did it feel to win the award?

I am humbled and honoured! Receiving the Top Gear Award during RPG’s #HelloHappiness celebration was truly a recognition amidst top leaders. It embodies the company’s spirit. It was a special moment to share with my family.

How do you overcome obstacles at work?

RPG and Zensar’s “People First” culture fosters a supportive environment. With guidance from leaders and collaboration with my amazing team, we find solutions and achieve goals together.

What is your “Hello Happiness” moment at RPG?

While winning the Top Gear Award was undoubtedly a standout moment, what truly brings me joy is the everyday experience at Zensar. I cherish the constant sense of growth, learning, and the opportunity to be part of a team that genuinely values its people and cares about their well-being.

Nitin Nair
Nitin Nair

RPG Enterprises

How did it feel to win the award?

Recognition for hard work is always validating. It felt good and was truly motivating.

What are your hobbies?

Cooking and off roading.

What is “Hello Happiness” to you?

“Hello Happiness” is the motivation to come to the office every day while still giving quality time to my family and myself.

