RPG Speaks

Smruti Das

Smruti Das

Tête-à-tête with Smruti Das, RPG Foundation

The superhero who would have saved us from Covid-19:

Dr. Strange comes to mind, because healthcare workers have been the true heroes in this crisis. But something tells me, it will be a woman...so Capt. Marvel!

A skill that I developed during the lockdown which I plan to continue post Covid:

Would washing vessels in record time count? While I haven’t exactly picked up a new skill, I can safely say that I have honed my existing ones that include my writing skills, my singing talent and my passion for gardening, albeit in small pots keeping in mind the size of my typical Mumbai apartment. I intend to continue pursuing these post Covid.

The celebrity I would love to be in quarantine with:

It has to be JK Rowling! She’s a wonderful storyteller, and I love stories, so that would be an entertaining way to deal with the lockdown.

My personal Covid hero and why:

The team of RPG Foundation, and the many volunteers across all companies and locations that have made the distribution of food and other relief work possible. The ones on the field are my heroes – not one person had any doubt, any reservations about going out into the communities and make sure migrant workers, daily wage earners and the homeless are given a hot meal. But I am also very thankful to the team members who facilitated the work, sitting at home in front of their laptops for endless hours, managing and coordinating. Each one of them has played and continues to play an important part in the work we do, and the impact that we create. My heroes are all those people who stepped up and got the job done.

What #RPGCovidWarrior means to me:

They are the people who put the community and the greater good before themselves, and who make wonderful things happen. While coordinating with everyone for this work, we did not come across a single person who said no to anything, and that to me is the true spirit of an #RPGCovidWarrior!

Smruti Das

The first destination I would run to for a vacation after the lockdown is lifted, with whom would I go and why:

I would take a vacation in Bhubaneswar, my hometown, where my childhood friends and extended family are residing. The lockdown has reiterated the fact that we are nothing without our people. I would love to meet them all again, and that to me is the ideal vacation.